Russian Websites Go F Yourself


Russian Websites Go F Yourself

The armed aggression of the Russian Federation has prompted many Ukrainians to refuse to consume everything Russian, including information. Additionally, due to the cyber threat from Russian sites and the spread of false information, maintaining information hygiene is extremely important.

Therefore, we have developed a Google Chrome browser extension that allows you to:

  1. 1 See which sites have Russian roots and which do not;
  2. 2 Set trust ratings for websites and social media profiles;
  3. 3 Make cosmetic changes to text on websites and in search results;
Russian Websites Go F Yourself

About the Plugin

Russian Websites Go F Yourself


Russian Websites Go F Yourself

Site Check

RWGFY allows the user to immediately see in Google search whether a site is "safe" (i.e., does not have Russian origins) before visiting it.

The extension checks the site based on the following parameters:

  • Phone Domain registration phone number
  • Domain zone Domain registration zone
  • Domain email Registration email
  • Domain email Domain

As a result of checking these parameters, the result is reliable and accurate. Moreover, it does not affect the page loading speed, and the minimalist design does not distract the user from the main search results in Google.

Про плагін

Website Trust Rating

The trust indicator shows the level of trust from users and website visitors. You can see it both in search results and on the site itself. The plugin's dynamic icon changes depending on the current level of trust. Go to the site and open the plugin by clicking on its icon. A menu will open where you can express your trust in this site.

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Trust Rating for Social Media Profiles

Go to the profile on Facebook, Twitter(X), or Instagram of the person you want to rate and activate the plugin by clicking on its icon. A menu will appear where you can express your trust in this profile.


The plugin's dynamic icon changes according to the current level of trust in a specific profile. A green icon indicates a high level of trust, a red one indicates a low level. A yellow-blue icon indicates that the profile has a neutral rating or not enough votes. For the rating to become known to other users, at least 10 votes are required.

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Text Changes on Websites and in Search Results

Now you have the opportunity to call the president of Russia as he deserves, and the plugin will perform the substitution for you on all the sites you visit.


About Us

Today, Russian websites can pose a threat to users in Europe. Users may encounter resources that have no obvious connection to Russia but possess Russian origins, which could collect data, spread misinformation, propaganda, viruses, and other malicious content. We have developed a method for labeling such sites and social profiles, allowing users to decide whether to visit these resources and protecting them from potential threats and misinformation.

Russian Websites Go F Yourself